10 Cents a Meal for Michigan's Kids and Farms Application is Now Open

10 Cents a Meal for Michigan’s Kids and Farms provides schools, early care and education centers, and other organizations participating in the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Child Nutrition programs with grant funds to pay for Michigan-grown food item costs, local food transportation fees, and food service labor expenses. The program pays half the cost of buying and serving Michigan-grown fruits, vegetables, and dry beans. It is an opportunity for ALL child nutrition program sponsors state-wide to strengthen the local food supply chain and enrich nutrition and educational experiences for children in Michigan. Completed applications in NexSys are due Wednesday, September 18, 2024.


Additional use of funds

This year, we have expanded the allowable uses of funds for the 10 Cents a Meal grant. In addition to helping you pay for local food items, you will now be able to use up to 25% of your grant award to pay for delivery fees, mileage costs, and labor expenses that support the goals of the program. To be reimbursed for these expenses, grantees must provide a description of the services completed, the date or month of the expense, the cost, and the name of the vendor or staff person who completed the services. That information will be submitted to MDE annually in GEMS/MARS and kept on record by the grantee.

The purpose of these funds is to enable grantees to expand their ability to process local food, increase scratch cooking, and access new suppliers, new food products, and/or new partnerships with other Child Nutrition Program (CNP) sponsors to strengthen the local food supply chain. This is a new page in the application in the general information section.

Who's eligible to apply?

Check the eligibility map

What is the maximum grant awarded?

Awards are calculated by multiplying all the meals served in child nutrition programs times 10 cents.

How does the program work?

If awarded, you are required to:

  • Purchase, prepare and menu Michigan-grown minimally processed fruits, vegetables, and dry beans
  • Promote and market Michigan-grown products
  • Plan educational activities that achieve program goals
  • Submit food purchasing data, including the name of the source farm
  • Complete periodic surveys

How do I apply?

The application is now open in NexSys. This year’s 10 Cents a Meal grant application will be competitive due to limited grant funds. Our aim is still to award the grant to as many applicants as possible; however, grant awards may be smaller than they have been in the past.

To help us make decisions on which applicants will receive the grant, and how much money they will be awarded, we have provided an application rubric so that you know what we will be looking for when scoring your application. The rubric contains guidance on what details you should include in your responses to the application questions on the Program Information page to receive a higher application score, and we hope that you will refer to the rubric as you complete your application.

Application scoring rubric: Application Rubric (michigan.gov)

Budget Recommendations for Returning Grantees: Budget Recommendations for Returning Grantees document

To view a simulation of the application being completed:

10 Cents a Meal for Michigan's Kids and Farms - Application Simulation

Required annual program training:

10 Cents a Meal Annual Training


To learn more about 10 Cents a Meal:  10 Cents a Meal for Michigan's Kids & Farms

For questions about the application: [email protected].

10 Cents a Meal for Michigan’s Kids and Farms Program/Application Training

Join us for a workshop to learn how 10 Cents a Meal works, how to source local produce, and what is needed to participate. Bring your laptop if you would like help with completing your application during the session, or just bring your questions. Workshops are free, but registration is required.

August 20 - Flint, MI- https://forms.office.com/g/zSDQVTpGXr
Time: 2-4 pm
Genesee ISD
Erwin L. Davis Education Center
2413 W Maple Ave
Flint, MI

August 22 – Macomb- https://forms.office.com/g/BxTUnesU5Q
Time: 2-4 pm
Macomb ISD Education Service Center
44001 Garfield Road
Clinton Township, MI

August 26 – Kalamazoo- https://forms.office.com/g/LqXV5RPXCY
Time: 2-4 pm
Kalamazoo Valley Community College Culinary
  and Allied Health Building
418 E Walnut St
Kalamazoo, MI

August 29 – Lansing- https://forms.office.com/g/j3wSDKfYTb
Time: 2-4 pm
Allen Neighborhood Center
1611 E Kalamazoo St
Lansing, MI

September 4 – Gwinn- https://forms.office.com/g/iR3ASZG3xB
Time: 2-4 pm
Gwinn High School 
50 W State Highway M35
Gwinn MI

September 5 – Traverse City- https://forms.office.com/g/9h2Y1qXfbn
Time: 2-4 pm
Northwest Education Services Conference Center
1101 Red Drive
Traverse City, MI

September 10 – Bay City- https://forms.office.com/g/H9VwBRjXbg
Time: 2-4 pm
Bay-Arenac ISD
4228 Two Mile Rd.
Bay City, MI

September 12 – Muskegon- https://forms.office.com/g/888Jm55U4C
Time: 2-4 pm
Muskegon Area Career Tech Center
200 Harvey
Muskegon, MI



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  • Melanie Tran
    published this page in News 2024-08-09 12:06:56 -0400