251 Grantees Named for the 2024-2025 10 Cents a Meal Program Year


December 4, 2024

251 Grantees Named for the 2024-2025 10 Cents a Meal Program Year 

251 grantees have been awarded 10 Cents a Meal for Michigan’s Kids and Farms funding for the 2024-2025 program year. The state-funded program provides schools, early care and education centers, and other organizations participating in USDA Child Nutrition programs with grant funds to pay for Michigan-grown food item costs, local food transportation fees, and food service labor expenses to strengthen the local food supply chain and enrich nutrition and educational experiences for children in Michigan.

This year’s grantees span 64 counties across Michigan’s upper and lower peninsulas, with an anticipated reach of approximately 600,000 children. The $4.5 million in funding for the 10 Cents a Meal program is among a number of investments included in Michigan’s FY 2025 budget that support feeding children in schools and Michigan’s agriculture industry. 10 Cents a Meal compliments the Michigan School Meals program that provides free breakfast and lunch to all K-12 students in public schools, by providing financial support for food program operators to purchase high quality, Michigan-grown fruits, vegetables, and dry beans that are used in meals and snacks served as part of USDA Child Nutrition Programs.

The full list of the grantees, and map of where they are located can be found here.

New for the 2024-2025 program year is a provision that allows up to 25% of the grant award to be spent on food transportation and labor costs associated with implementing the program. This provision aims to support program operators and their staff through financial means as they navigate challenges associated with sourcing and serving more local food as a part of their foodservice operation. Examples of allowable uses of these funds include labor costs related to food preparation and recordkeeping and transportation costs related to the delivery of food from suppliers or mileage costs for staff to transport food. 

The MDE Farm to Program team shared the following statement via email. “We are hopeful that the expansion of allowable costs for this grant will give grantees the funding support that they need to seek out new suppliers, find better delivery solutions, and improve their capacity to cook from scratch. We are excited to pay for expenses such as delivery fees from farmers and other local businesses, mileage costs from staff picking up local foods, and staff time spent growing, harvesting, transporting, preparing, and cooking Michigan-grown fruits, vegetables, and dry beans. These new options are driven by feedback that we have consistently received from grantees in their required reporting surveys.”

This most recent allowance in the program is among a variety of improvements and expansions the program has undergone over the past few years. Examples such as the inclusion of non-school sponsors of USDA Child Nutrition Programs, and allowing funds to be spent on foods used to support farm to school activities such as taste tests or school wide events like the Michigan Apple Crunch, exemplify how the program continues to grow and adjust as it matures. 

The program is administered in collaboration between the Michigan Department of Education, Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Groundwork Center for Resilient Communities, and MSU Center for Regional Food Systems.

For more information visit https://www.tencentsmichigan.org/ 


MDE Farm to Program team, Michigan Department of Education, [email protected] 

Melanie Tran, Groundwork Center for Resilient Communities, [email protected] 

Amanda Brezzell, Groundwork Center for Resilient Communities, [email protected]

Lori Yelton, Michigan Department of Rural Agriculture and Development, [email protected] 

May Tsupros, MSU Center for Regional Food Systems, [email protected]

Megan McManus, MSU Center for Regional Food Systems, [email protected] 


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