10 Cents a Meal for Michigan's Kids & Farms is sparking healthy choices and a vibrant economy.
10 Cents a Meal provides schools with match incentive funds to purchase and serve Michigan-grown fruits, vegetables, and dry beans. Funded by the state Legislature since 2016, 10 Cents is a pilot program that has been expanded financially and geographically each year and now is available in more than half of our counties. 10 Cents has been praised nationally as a leading, innovative model. Join us and support 10 Cents a Meal!
- Sign your name and/or the name of your organization or business to the list of supporters of Michigan’s 10 Cents a Meal for Michigan's Kids & Farms program. Let Michiganders everywhere know that you support investing in local food for kids in schools as a part of Michigan’s identity!
- Spread the word about this program in your community; with interested colleagues such as food service directors, educators, school administrators, farmers, health professionals, and economic development champions; and with policymakers.
- Support your schools in learning about the program and being successful in obtaining and using funds. Successful grantees engage students so they are excited about trying new foods. Examples include taste tests in the cafeteria or classroom. Perhaps you have some skills to help?
Spread the word about 10 Cents a Meal with one-pagers and reports available at Tools for Communities. You can also like and share our 10 Cents a Meal Facebook page – where you’ll find our most up-to-date school news and resources, and be sure to tag us @tencentsmichigan when you do! Find a wealth of additional resources and ideas to support your schools by visiting our Tools for Schools page.
By completing the following form you will receive the 10 Cents a Meal E-Newsletter, from which you can unsubscribe at any time.
To receive news about 10 Cents during the state budget and legislative process check the Stay in the Loop box below to be added to a Groundwork Center for Resilient Communities email list. You also will be invited to join regular phone calls to share with others around the state how you are extending outreach about 10 Cents in your own community and to share the latest on providing information to policymakers.